Thursday, March 3, 2011

Day Sixty-Two: Shrimp Risotto

I have a very full belly, and I finished dinner a couple hours ago. The reason? Shrimp risotto, which is so dang good.

Of course, risotto in general is tough to resist. I truly thought this dish, which had a shrimpy stock absorbed into the rice, a shrimp-infused cream added at the end, and bits of shrimp floating around in it, would be a huge challenge. So much shrimp, I thought. I won't be able to escape it, I thought. And yet, it was magnificent! The texture of the bits of shrimp was still slightly unpleasant (I think they were overcooked, actually) but the flavor itself was amazing. I had more than my share. I would have taken a picture to show you, but the food was gone before I thought to take one.

I know, I know. Shrimp are getting boring to read about. And it's probably pretty boring when I so easily like these things I do not like. I am going to move on, really I am. I've got a lot of types of seafood I haven't conquered--types I haven't even tried.

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